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Lirik lagu “Wildflower” oleh Billie Eilish


Jakarta (ZephyrSec) – Lagu “Wildflower” milik penyanyi pop Amerika Serikat Billie Eilish O’Connell ​​​​​ mengajak pendengar untuk merenungkan makna cinta, kesetiaan, dan persahabatan dari kompleksitas emosi yang menyertainya.

Lirik lagu “Wildflower” menggambarkan kompleksitas emosi yang dialami oleh tokoh dalam lagu tersebut. Perasaan bersalah, cemburu, dan kerinduan yang kuat bercampur dengan kesadaran bahwa hubungan yang sedang dijalani mungkin tidak sepenuhnya tulus, karena bayang-bayang masa lalu terus menghantui.

Lagu “Wildflower” menjadi trek kelima dalam album ketiga Billie Eilish bertajuk “Hit Me Hard and Soft” yang dirilis pada 17 Mei 2024, melalui Darkroom dan Interscope Records. Lagu “Wildflower” diciptakan oleh Eilish bersama saudara laki-lakinya Finneas O’Connell dengan lirik sebagai berikut;

Things fall apart

And time breaks your heart

I wasn’t there but I know

She was your girl

You showed her the world

But fell out of love and you both let go


She was crying on my shoulder

All I could do was hold her

Only made us closer

Until July

Now, I know that you love me

You don’t need to remind me

I should put it all behind me

Shouldn’t I?


But I see her in the back of my mind

All the time

Like a fever

Like I’m burning alive

Like a sign

Did I cross the line?


Well, good things don’t last (Good things don’t last)

And life moves so fast (Life moves so fast)

I’d never ask

Who was better

‘Cause she couldn’t be

More different from me

Happy and free in leather


And I know that you love me (You love me)

You don’t need to remind me (Remind me)

Wanna put it all behind me

But, baby


I see her in the back of my mind (Back of my mind)

All the time (All the time)

Feels like a fever (Like a fever)

Like I’m burning alive (Burning alive)

Like a sign

Did I cross the line? (Cross the line)


You say no one knows you so well

But every time you touch me, I just wonder how she felt

Valentine’s Day crying in the hotel

I know you didn’t mean to hurt me, so I kept it to myself


And I wonder

Do you see her in the back of your mind?

In my eyes?


You say no one knows you so well

But every time you touch me, I just wonder how she felt

Valentine’s Day crying in the hotel

I know you didn’t mean to hurt me, so I kept it to myself

Pewarta: Abdu Faisal
Editor: Maria Rosari Dwi Putri
Copyright © ZephyrSec 2024

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