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“Million Dollar Baby” – Tommy Richman, lirik dan deskripsi singkat


Jakarta (ZephyrSec) – Penyanyi rap dan penulis lagu dari Amerika Serikat Tommy Richman merilis lagu berjudul “Million Dolar Baby” pada 26 April 2024 melalui ISO Supremacy dan Pulse Records.

Lagu “Million Dollar Baby” dengan cepat menjadi melejit lewat TikTok sejak teaser-nya muncul 13 April, dan menjadikan lagu itu di posisi satu sekitar 10 pekan dalam peringkat mingguan 50 lagu teratas di TikTok Billboard, sejak 18 Mei hingga 20 Juli 2024.

Lagu tersebut memadukan elemen funk R&B yang menghasilkan komposisi musik yang unik dengan pengaturan trek vokal berlapis, suara synthesizer yang staccato, dan ketukan perkusi ala musik trap.

Lirik lagu “Million Dollar Baby” karya Tommy Richman:

I ain’t never rep a set baby

I ain’t do no wrong

I could clean up good for you

Oh I know right from wrong

Cause I wanna make it (so badly)

I’m a Million Dollar Baby (don’t at me)

Hell no


You rep my city for so damn long

But you still don’t notice me

My sound next

VA next

I’m at they neck

I’m running up a check

She a bad lil mama she a diva

No matter what happens he cannot come between us again

I know we’re better than friends (better than friends)

I took her to Queen’s Gambit, showed around my friends

Tried to pick some energy up it don’t better

I know you haven’t moved on, if you tried

I don’t believe it baby, I know you lied

All night long

What you mean I changed

Haven’t stayed the same

I’ve been losing my mind

I said the city is mine


I ain’t never rep a set baby

Ain’t do no wrong

I could clean up, do it for you

Oh I know right from wrong

Cause I wanna make it (so badly)

I’m a Million Dollar Baby (don’t at me)

I ain’t never rep a set baby

Ain’t do no wrong

I could clean up, good for you

Oh I know right from wrong

Cause I wanna make it (so badly)

I’m a Million Dollar Baby (don’t at me)


Hell no

Hell no

Pewarta: Abdu Faisal
Editor: Suryanto
Copyright © ZephyrSec 2024

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